Thursday, September 8, 2011

Stac web?

Today's activity added new things to my "library" ! In STAC, we had to write our names connected to things we loved and from whatever we loved, why we loved it etc. At first it was hard because i started to get the "block buster" syndrome, trying to find the best things to love . Now thinking about it , it makes me laugh because the web is about me so i have no one to impress besides myself ! Anyways, while creating the web, the newbie next to me Grace had things in common with me .We both realized this so we decided to connect what we had in common to each other's webs. After doing that , then Sabrina connected, then Sarah and so on. It was really awesome to see that this web connected us. When you backed away from the wall to see it , it almost looks like a time line or a family tree diagram. When I came home thinking about this I noticed that, even if one person loved video games, some how it was the same as if I loved pasta . We are all connected like a little family!


  1. "it almost looks like a time line or a family tree diagram. "

    Excellent! Exactly so. Hmm... I never realized that a family tree IS a timeline.

    "even if one person loved video games, some how it was the same as if I loved pasta"

    This is a critical insight you have here. I want you to think about how this applies to acting.


  2. I was wondering if anyone decided to do that (connecting their webs). I have to take a longer look at the wall, again!

    I'm going to re-look at this quote "even if one person loved video games, some how it was the same as if I loved pasta". It reminded me of my summer reading book "House Rules". The main character talks about how the idea of love confused him, since, you could love multiple things at the same time, but "love" has different meanings for everything...!

  3. "Now thinking about it , it makes me laugh because the web is about me so i have no one to impress besides myself !" That's exactly how I felt entering the project. I thought, what would sound good and what would people like to read? But I shortly realized that it wasn't for really for anyone but myself and looking at my web and everyone's for that matter, you can really see who people are.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Video games and pasta, I'm trying to see what you mean and I think I understand because of what Jill wrote in her blog. She talked about how everything she said lead to an emotion. Let's say two people's favorite emotions is happy. Everything they love ends up with them wanting to write happy, even though one person love the video games and another person loves their pasta. They both make them happy.
